FireStorm Download
(For Symbian device FireStorm extract to System/apps/)
Tutorial EKA2L1 EMULATOR N-Gage Version
1. Install emulator EKA2L1 N-Gage / Symbian Android
4. Setelah dibuka masuk setting apps lalu force stop buat refresh Datanya
/After opening, enter the app settings then force stop to refresh the data
5. Extract N-Gage ROM klik view
6. Klik N-Gage Rom
9. Sekarang tinggal masukan atau tambahkan games Exclusive N-Gage
/Now just enter or add the Exclusive N-Gage games
/Then select first you want to add the game which used to be here Mimin Test example "The Sims Bustin out", click View
13. Masuk Ke Folder
12. Copy / extract folder game "" game
/Then go to the folder directory
Jika sudah ada folder Drive "e" skip saja
/If already folder name "e" (Drive E folder) please skip this step
S60v1 game arcade shooter sering banyak jenis game ini di Dingdong juga, game dimainkan dengan EKA2L1 Emulator di Android
/S60v1 arcade shooter games are often many types of these games in Dingdong too, games played with EKA2L1 Emulator on Android
Video Gameplay