Symbian - Ngage Emulator For Android Official Release on Playstore (EKA2L1) Download

Akhirnya sudah rilis resmi di Playstore Emulator Symbian - Ngage untuk Platform Android meski awal rilis harus kita apresiasi jika sudah download kasih bintang 5 :D biar para developer semangat dalam pengembangan update kedepannya dan makin support banyak games dan Apps terutama nanti bisa support buat S60v2 dan N-Gage 2.0 selama ini Mimin sudah Test Sudah banyak juga game yang support untuk versi Symbian V1 V3 dan N-gage 1.0 dulu pernah Mimin bahas di postingan terdahulu.

Mantap versi di Playstore sekarang sudah ada icon gamenya tampil yang awalnya cuman judul atau Title saja. Game Legend Symbian seperti Explode Arena, Sky Force, Metal Bluster membuat nostalgia gaming kembali kejaman dulu

Bagi yang belum tau Selaku developer dari EKA2L1 adalah Play Software yang mengembangkan juga aplikasi Emulator Java di android yaitu J2ME Loader yang sudah rilis lama.

Untuk Emulator EKA2L1 ini perlu jamu jamu atau beberapa tambahan file Rom+RPKG Firmware (misal 5320) untuk menjalankan Emulator nya lalu seperti biasa games ber extensi .Sis Atau sisx bisa di install dan dijalankan. Untuk lebih jelasnya CEK dibawah ini :

/Finally it has been officially released on the Symbian Emulator Playstore - Ngage for the Android Platform even though we have to appreciate the initial release if we have downloaded 5 stars: D so that the developers are enthusiastic in developing future updates and more and more support for games and Apps, especially later it can support S60v2 and N -Gage 2.0 so far Mimin has been tested. There are also many games that support the Symbian V1 V3 and N-gage 1.0 versions, Mimin previously discussed in a previous post.

Great version on the Playstore now there is a game icon appearing which initially was just a title or title. Symbian Legend games such as Explode Arena, Sky Force, Metal Bluster make gaming nostalgic back to the past

For those who don't know, as the developer of EKA2L1 is Play Software which also develops Java Emulator application on Android, namely J2ME Loader which has been released long ago.

For this EKA2L1 Emulator you need herbs or some additional ROM + RPKG Firmware files (for example 5320) to run the Emulator then as usual games with the extension .Sis or sisx can be installed and run. For more details, check below:

EKA2L1 Based Rom Symbian .sis .six

EKA2L1 Emulator Download

5320 ROM Download
5320 RPKG Download
5530 ROM Download
5530 RPKG Download

Catatan : Tidak perlu di Extract lagi buat ROM Dan RPKG filenya

Games Symbian .sis /.sisx
Bounce Download
Crash nitro kart Download 
Hits best game Symbian Download
All Symbian games Download

Tutorial :

1. Install emulator EKA2L1.apk (or via Playstore Link first page) 

2. Buka emulator 
/Open emulator

3. tap atau klik tanda titik 3 di pojok kanan atas
/tap or click the dot 3 in the upper right corner
4. In Devices 

5. masukan atau tambahkan klik file RPKG dan ROM tipe HP virtual misal decice 5320 link file download disediakan diawal page diatas 
/Enter, click the RPKG file and ROM HP virtual type, for example, decice 5320, the download file link is provided at the beginning of the page above

Klik atau tap tombol RPKG masukan file device 5320.RPKG
/Click or tap the RPKG button to enter the 5320.RPKG device file

Lalu masukan / tambahkan ROM yang sesuai juga file device 5320.ROM
/ Then enter / add the appropriate ROM as well as the 5320.ROM device file

 Kemudian klik atau tap install tunggu sampai selesai
/Then click or tap install, wait for it to finish

Apabila sudah akan tampil devies seperti diatas
/If the devies will appear as above

6. jangan lupa pasang juga tipe virtual hp lain misal device 5560 buat jaga jaga bila device virtual tidak mendukung beberapa games tutorial sama pada langkah sebelumnya sehingga ada 2 devies yang sudah di install

/Don't forget to also install other types of virtual cellphones, for example the 5560 device, just in case the virtual device doesn't support some of the same tutorial games in the previous step so there are 2 devices already installed

7. lalu klik back atau kembali
/then click back or return

8. klik atau tap tanda plus (+) cari file games .sis / .sisx 
/Click or tap the plus sign (+), look for the .sis / .sisx games file

Lalu tambahkan game yang mau di install misal Bounce cari file bouncetouc_va...sisx atau .sis file yang sudah di download lalu tap atau klik
/ Then add the game you want to install, for example Bounce, look for the bouncetouc_va file ... sisx or .sis file that has been downloaded then tap or click

9. Terakhir buka games Bounce di list app pada emulator
/Finally, open the Bounce game in the app list on the emulator

10. Enjoy play game emulator Symbian on Android Offline


EKA2L1 based Rom N-Gage 1.0 S60v1

EKA2L1 Emulator Download

N-Gage ROM Firmware s60v1 QD

N-Gage Games 15 hits Tested Work 150mb

N-Gage Games All pack untested 900mb

Tutorial EKA2L1 EMULATOR N-Gage Version

1. Install emulator EKA2L1 N-Gage / Symbian Android

2. Klik install yes or via Playstore (Link first page)

3. Klik alow open EKA2L1 Emulator

4. Setelah dibuka masuk setting apps lalu force stop buat refresh Datanya
/After opening, enter the app settings then force stop to refresh the data

5. Extract N-Gage ROM klik view

6. Klik N-Gage Rom

7. Copy ato Extract folder Data ke folder Internal/EKA2L1/

8. Lalu tunggu
/Then wait

9. Sekarang tinggal masukan atau tambahkan games Exclusive N-Gage 
/Now just enter or add the Exclusive N-Gage games

10. Extract here N-Gage Games

11. Lalu pilih dulu mau tambahkan gamenya yang mana dulu disini Mimin Test The Sims Bustin out klik View
/Then select first you want to add the game which used to be here Mimin Test The Sims Bustin out, click View

12. Copy / extract folder System game 

13. Masuk Ke Folder 
/Then go to the folder directory

14. New Folder name "e"

15. Paste ke Folder e 

17. Selesai sekarang buka Emulatornya EKA2L1 dan cari The Sims Bustin out
/It's finished now open the Emulator EKA2L1 and look for The Sims Bustin out

Game Legend Simulation N-Gage hits 

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